
I provide extra assistance by way of tutoring for college students in specific introductory courses. Apart from MAT1033C, I have taken all of these courses as a student and passed with either an A or a B in the course, maintaining a 3.0 GPA upon graduating with my Associate of Arts Degree. After successfully completing these courses as a college student, I applied and began tutoring the above subjects at Valencia College for a full year as a tutor and student leader.

Feedback is given to students during all tutoring sessions using positive reinforcement techniques to encourage, motivate or build confidence. Skills such as strategies for note-taking, studying, and test-taking are taught in tutoring sessions as applicable. Sessions can include reviewing class materials with students by discussing text, working solutions to problems, reviewing worksheets or other assignments as necessary.

The following are the courses in which I provide tutoring at a rate of $30 per 90 minute session (completed over Skype). (Shorter sessions can be done on a $0.60 per minute rate.) Email me at to work out a tutoring  and payment schedule if you are interested in my services.

  • BSC1010C Fundamentals of Biology I
  • BSC1011C Fundamentals of Biology II
  • MAC2233 Calculus for the Business and Social Sciences, also known as Concepts of Calculus
  • MAT1033C Intermediate Algebra
  • MGF1106 College Mathematics, also known as Finite Mathematics
  • MGF1107 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts, also known as Explorations in Mathematics
  • STA1001C Introduction to Statistical Reasoning
  • STA2023 Statistical Methods I